Everyone has a food story,

but not everyone has a restaurant.
We share these stories at the BIPOC Foodways Table.
BIPOC Foodways Alliance Table is a story-telling pop-up dinner. Each Table features a rotating co-host, selected by professional chef and food writer Mecca Bos.
The BIPOC Foodways Alliance Table is a platform to tell underrepresented stories from women of color, elders, immigrant communities, and other individuals who hold deep culinary knowledge and wisdom. Co-hosts work with Mecca to create custom menus for each pop-up that reflect their family traditions and cultural histories.
The menu is core to these stories, and it is from these stories that we can forge bonds, build empathy, and establish commonalities around the BIPOC Foodways Alliance Table. Together at the Table, we can overcome the forces of white supremacy that are determined to divide us.

Who gets invited to the Table?
We invite 6 community members to each Table event, and they're each invited to bring a +1 from their community. We partner with a Co-Host, who is also a community member, who cooks dinner and shares their story.
As a nonprofit organization, we seek to keep the Table diverse, including folks from multiple gender, racial, sexual, cultural, professional, and other identies.
We rely on community members to nominate Table participants - if you would like to join us for a Table event, please fill out the form below. We can't wait to host you at the BIPOC Foodways Alliance Table!